From now until April 16th all children can access an online well - being and fitness programme called ‘Fitter Future’. The details below show you how to log in – please do not change the log in – it does ask for a parent email address to get you started but you can decline any marketing etc from them.
Username for EYFS / KS1 classes: acre hall primary1
Password for EYFS / KS1 classes: 19nr3
Username for KS2 classes: acre hall primary2
Password for KS2 classes: 2doa1
See all our latest activities in our class Twitter feed below. Follow us @AHMissJohnson
In the case of school closures we have prepared some home learning activities for your child to ensure their learning continues with as little disruption as possible. Your child’s learning is paramount and as much engagement with these activities as possible will ensure their learning continues to flourish. There are many home teaching packs online to support us during this time. We have researched these over the past few days and have listed below a number of school supported websites and activities to support you in your home learning journey.
Twinkl: This is a home/school learning tool available across all curriculum areas (EYFS-KS2) and ages. - Twinkl is an excellent website supported by school that maximises coverage over all curriculum areas and age ranges. They have set up a free parent access tool during this time to coach and support home tutoring. Please sign up to Twinkl – Parent Tool to access lots of FREE, exciting and creative lessons and home learning activities.
Quick link: - Select the appropriate age range/ability range for you child and begin to work through the home learning packs. If you notice your child experiences difficulty in a specific area, make a note of this and use this as a focus point for future teaching and learning. E.g. If your child struggles with calculation and is confident with shape, focus more on calculation teaching and learning at this time. To encourage variety in teaching/learning look across the different curriculum areas and project based activities available. Choose a topic of interest where possible to encourage high levels of engagement. Use positive feedback and targets to enthuse and challenge your child.
Where possible, continue to teach the core areas of the curriculum as much as possible. In the KS2 SPaG, reading, writing, maths, physical development alongside PSHCE/PSED is crucial for a child’s development. Being at home provides perfect opportunity for your child to develop their self-care skills. Continue to encourage independence through hand-washing, hygiene exercises, cooking, cleaning, tidying up, fitness etc. Talk to your child about why we carry out these tasks and your own daily routine. You may wish to create calendars, timetables and rotas making links to maths teaching – days of the week, months of the year etc. By giving your child responsibility over domestic tasks you could then create a home reward chart to celebrate completion, older children can be more independent with this and help out with larger tasks/ younger siblings. Where possible, make learning experiential and relevant. If you can complete home baking, planting, domestic projects this will be invaluable for your child and they can discuss these upon return to school.
Reading: Continue to encourage your child to read as much as possible, throughout the day and before bedtime (3 times a week is our school recommendation). You could continue to document this in the school PAL, providing feedback for school upon return. Encourage your child to continue to segment and blend words drawing upon their phonic knowledge. If you have limited home reading books please go online to Oxford Reading Owl for free online reading books which are in line with school’s approach to reading/phonics teaching.
After your child has read the book they can complete a series of extension tasks:
Parents could then write a small comment under each piece of written work to reflect upon the child’s learning and achievements.
Handwriting: Now is a perfect time to practise those tricky letter formation skills at home, at a pace that suits your child. Encourage your child to practise forming lower and upper case letters.
Spelling: Continue to practise and develop your child’s spelling look at the appropriate spelling lists for their age range/ability.
Curriculum link for parents
If you did wish to complete additional/personal home learning projects and share them upon return to school, teachers will provide opportunities to share these in class upon return.